Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Easy Strategies For Reducing Your Nightly Snoring

Snoring affects many people, yet most people think that there is nothing that can be done to alleviate the problem. Do you want to know how to cut down on snoring? Read on to find out.

Taking sleeping pills can actually increase the amount of snoring you have. Therefore, you should avoid them. Part of the therapeutic effect of sleeping pills involves muscle relaxation. This can cause your throat to open while you sleep, leading to airway collapse. So you'll end up snoring because of this.

In order to cut down on snoring, elevate your head while sleeping. A thicker pillow will do a better job of supporting your head. You could also stack a couple of pillows together. This will keep your head more upright, which will increase your airflow, and can help reduce or prevent snoring.

People who are overweight, especially those who have extra fat in the neck area, will be more prone to snoring. Build-ups of fatty tissue around the windpipe area in larger people can exacerbate the issue. If you are above your ideal weight, think about shedding those extra pounds. You will not only improve your health and appearance, but you may get better sleep.

Sleep on your side to reduce the chances of snoring. Sleeping on your back will result in more snoring. Sleeping while lying on your stomach creates stress in your back and neck. Therefore, side-sleeping is just right to keep your airways open so that your body isn't strained.

It may be hard to believe, but singing may help you reduce your snoring. Certain physicians tout singing as an effective way of reducing snoring, due to the build up of muscle in the throat and soft palate. A good muscle tone means your nasal pathways will not get narrower when you sleep and cause you to snore.

Eating a smaller dinner can help to reduce snoring. Eating too much food, especially right before sleeping, causes the stomach to become full. This can force the diaphragm upwards, and the resulting pressure can decrease or block air passage. Constricted air flow and a throat that is narrow are among the primary reasons for snoring.

An exercise routine for your tongue can help solve your snoring. This may sound ridiculous, but sticking your tongue in and out functions as a form of exercise for it. While the tongue is extended outwards, hold it taut and the point it towards the east, and then towards the west. Complete the exercise by pointing your tongue in four different directions, like a compass needle. The more toned your tongue muscles are, the better your chances are to breathe efficiently.

If you are a snorer, you may want to check with a doctor to see if allergies are to blame for this condition. Allergies left untreated often cause the nasal passages to swell, making you breathe through the mouth. This usually causes snoring. Try allergy medications that you get over the counter and see if they work for you. If not, your doctor may need to prescribe you something.

Try using essential oils to get some relief from snoring. Peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil are just two of the essential oils that can reduce nasal congestion. These oils can make breathing easier, thereby helping you to sleep without snoring. The next time your sinuses feel clogged, try essential oils.

Look into internal nasal dilators, and see if this is an option for you. Nasal based snoring can be a headache for certain people. These dilators fit inside the nose and prevent them from constricting. This will reduce the severity of your snoring, if not stopping it altogether, and help you get a good night's rest.

If you or a loved one is plagued by the annoyance of snoring, here is an old wives tale that may work for you. It's been found that sleeping on your back can cause a person to snore more simply because it forces your airways to close up a bit. A great trick to prevent yourself from lying on your back is by attaching a ball to the backside of your shirt that will force you to lie on your side while you sleep.

To keep yourself from snoring while sleeping, refrain from eating dairy products immediately before retiring for the night. You start producing a lot of mucus from dairy which makes you snore. The mucus created by eating dairy products will eventually block your airway, which will lead to inordinate amounts of snoring.

If you snore or share a bed with someone who does, then you do not need to be told how irritating it is. Nasal strips are an effective way to reduce snoring; you simply place them on your nose at bedtime. The reward of a good night's sleep for you and your partner will far outweigh the less than stylish look.

You have tools at your disposal now to lessen your snoring, apply the advice that has been given to you, and see what changes you can make.